Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scootering with Camera in Hand

Testing my skills at riding and shooting. Obviously, I wouldn't recommend this for everyone. Especially since the results are not all that compelling. Big scooters for big people. Did I hear someone order a Big Mac?
I caught a lot of grief from my kids for committing this "dangerous" act.

Though my youngest son finished his scolding with this comment, "though if you would have been taking movies, that would have been cool."

1 comment:

John McClane said...

Great pics!

Though the people in the 2nd pic look a bit worried about scootering. Helmets and fluorescent jackets? You could see them from a mile off anyway, they're so big.

The 1st pic was good, artistically. The 3rd was good, action-wise. Don't listen to kids!