Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Excellent Mechanic

It's Tuesday, September 11, and based on the number of e-mails I've received today, it looks like many of our readers are just now getting to the August issue of TechShop. Here's a very nice response from Bob Minnick, owner of Courtesy Car Care in Texas.

Several years ago (1991?) I received a proverb from a seminary professor (who I knew, had worked on his car, and sat in his class). He based it on Proverbs 31 - which actually described the excellent wife. He changed the proverb to address the excellent mechanic. I hang it in my shop and have had several people want copies of it. I am sending it to you after having read your article about the mechanics creed. It's not perfect but it was an excellent gesture by a customer and friend. The proverb was written by David M. Fouts, ThD. I have lost contact with him but I believe He is teaching Pensecola Bible College. I had him as a Hebrew professor at Dallas Theological Seminary.

I thought you might like this. I copied it below as well as attached it in a Word document.


Bob Minnick, owner
Courtesy Car Care
Duncanville, TX


An excellent mechanic, who can find one?

For his worthies far above tools

The heart of his patron trusts in him
and he will have no lack of gain

He does good work and not evil
All the hours of his day

He looks for noises and bumps,
And works – his hands are a delight

He is like a fine craftsman,
He brings his skill to bear
He rises also while it is night
And brings relief to the motorist
And calm to shaking motors

He considers a part and then buys it
From his wisdom he installs it

He girds himself with strength
From coaxing rusted bolts

He senses that his work is good,

His droplight does not go out at night

He stretched his hand for the air wrench,

And his hands grasp the wheel rim

He extends his help to the poor
And gives needed discounts to the needy

He is not afraid of economic downturns

All his co-workers are helped by him

He makes coveralls for himself

They may be striped or bibbed

His wife is well respected

By all whose cars he has fixed

For the extra hours he gave

He makes good repairs and numerous
And supplies timing belts to those who need them

Strength and integrity are his clothing
And he smiles with a greasy face

He opens his mouth in wisdom
And the encouragement of friendship is on his face

He looks well to the way of business
And never eats the bread of idleness

His children will rise up and bless him
And his wife also, and she praises him, saying’

Good mechanics are hard to find
But you excel them all

Flashy advertising is deceitful
and nationwide chains are in vain

But the mechanic who fears the Lord,
he shall be greatly praised

(source: David Fouts, ThD )

Thank you Mr. Minnick (and Mr. Fouts). Very nicely done, though I take exception to the comment about flashy advertising. :)

The independent automotive repair person and repair shop represent the salt of the earth, ana indeed, should be treasured.

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