All events will be held at the Turf Valley Resort, beginning with golf and an evening cocktail reception. Ending with the business review, trade show, and one-on-one conferences over the following two days.
I expect there will be plenty of new products at the show. One thing that makes the TEDA Meeting unique from other traditional trade shows is the very small number of people that actually interact. This meeting is strictly for the 12 TEDA WD members and their best suppliers.
After the Baltimore meeting, I'll be heading up to Washington D.C. for a family wedding. I'm also going to work on my "Scooter Shots™".... trying to match (or at least get close to) a blogger friend's quality photography of scooters around his current home town.
I'll be sure to post photos when I'm back in town in early June. (photos of the tools and scooters, not the wedding.)

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