We began the day out in their main parking lot. Where else would you bring 800 students and faculty members? Thankfully, it was sunny and warm, an unusual combination for mid-May in Cleveland, Ohio. Jay Lewis, General Manager of Chicago Pneumatic opened the ceremony with remarks about the incredible application materials Ohio Technical College submitted.
The table in front of the stage holds $10,000 worth of tools and equipment that Chicago Pneumatic donated to the 2009 School of the Year.

Channel 5 News was "on our side". They took a lot of footage and aired a 15-second piece this morning at 6.16 a.m.

That's Rich Evans (of Huntington Beach Bodyworks, check out his website), Jordan Brenner, OTC Marketing, and our local news reporter from Channel 5 Kimberly Gill.

Someone brought in their Ferrari for the day. They forgot to ask if I wanted to take it for a spin.

Another view of the stage/presentation area. Ohio Technical College generated a lot of the signage that was used.

They created this decal for one of their shop cars.

I dropped in this picture of Rich Evan's backside to show off his "sleeves". Note his funky red and black shoes, he designs shoes as well as vehicles. He is a very talented man.

This is one of the instructors and a student handling their new tools. Many expressed real surprise at the light weight of the impact wrenches.

About 200 students sat through a session with Rich Evans. He explained how he started at the bottom, literally sweeping the floor of his dad's shop to earn money and learn the business. He is now custom-designing vehicles, rims, shoes, gloves and more automotive-related products. I like his story - it's got a real O. Henry theme. When we poll our student readers, most say they want to own their own shop someday. I hope these type of events, with Rich Evans and others, continues to inspire young people to follow their dreams.

Five students look on and cheer their schoolmate to a victory at the tire changing competition. The cheers were mixed with quite a bit of trash-talk and silliness. I think everyone had a great time. The best time was 30 seconds to remove all lug nuts, remove the wheel, spin it, mount the wheel and mount the lug nuts!

Here's one of the contestants. I like that he's working with a smile on his face. Probably due to the crazy comments coming from his classmates. They were mercilous!

Before the competition, Rich shared the story of how he began his career, and how he continually strives to be the best, and work towards realizing his dreams.

Rich Evans and Tom King (with Ohio Technical College) watch the tire changing competition.

Ohio Technical College is privately held by the Brenner Family. It was started 40 years ago by Julius Brenner, when he was 50 years old. Today he is 90 years old, and OTC is run by his son Marc (President), and his grandson Jordan handles the marketing.

It was a great way to spend a day. Lots of positive comments about the educational facility and the type of professionals they graduate. Lots of positive comments from the students about their faculty. And they were all just thrilled to receive the tools and meet Rich Evans.
And no one gave me the hook while I was on stage. whew!
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