Just kidding, this isn't Florida. It's Ohio. - this is the snow cave my kids built in my front yard. It reaches eight feet tall at its highest point. Came home to lots of new snow.

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Nice Pics. Just gotta love Florida.
Is the snow cave an OH invention?
Will try it next time it snows here
An 8' high snow cave?
Ohio is not on my list of holiday destinations.
That Excalibur driver is obviously not feeling the effects of the credit crunch aka the downturn aka the recession aka these difficult times for hard-working families. His mpg must be through the roof.
Berge: The snow cave is a young Ohioan's version of an igloo, without the blocks of ice. I should probably post better pics to give you a true idea of the dimensions, but since this is a work-related blog, didn't seem right.
John - aw, come on, what's a little snow amongst friends? Just put some runners on the scooter and you'll be in good shape.
regarding that Excalibur - YES! Can you imagine the cost? Yikes! I just can't get over a beautiful vehicle like that towing a trailer.... Talk about yin and yang..It's like if Princess Grace or Audrey Hepburn were to hang out with the trailer park crowd...
An image came to my mind. Of the couple driving the Excalibur.
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