Inside the American Hot Dog Business By: Kate Rockwood This comes from the July issue of Fast Company Magazine. Perhaps more statistics than you want to know about hot dogs and the Americans who eat them.
Americans will eat about 2.3 billion -- a disgusting eight per person -- during National Hot Dog Month. National Hot Dog Day is July 18th, but the 4th is the biggest dog day. Here's a look inside the business of America's favorite sausage.
Inside the Bun: The Business of Selling Hot Dogs
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- 17 Contestants ate 576.5 hot dogs and buns at last year's Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest. (That's 33.9 dogs per person, in case you're counting!)
- 66 Hot Dogs were eaten in 12 minutes by 2007 winner Joey Chestnut, who won $10,000 and set a new world record.
- $39 million -- estimated media value of the TV coverage for the contest's sponsor, Nathan's.
- 69% of Americans prefer eating hot dogs on a bun.
- 15% prefer them naked with baked beans. (We call them beanies n wienies in my house.)
- 14% prefer corn dogs.
- While the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council advises that no one over age 18 use ketchup on a hot dog, 23% of people consider it their favorite topping. (Mustard wins out with 32%.)
- 1 in 6 -- odds that the beef in a beef hot dog originated in Texas.
- 1 in 4 -- odds that the pork in a pork hot dog originated in Iowa.
- Each year almost 100 million Red Hots are bought at 7-Eleven, North America's No. 1 retailer of cooked hot dogs. (This has to be the most disgusting revelation of the day.)
- Americans spend more than $1.9 Billion at the supermarket on hot dogs annually.
- The No. 1 producer is Oscar Mayer, which sold upward of 129.5 million pounds of dogs in 2007.
related article
- 17 Contestants ate 576.5 hot dogs and buns at last year's Nathan's Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest. (That's 33.9 dogs per person, in case you're counting!)
- 66 Hot Dogs were eaten in 12 minutes by 2007 winner Joey Chestnut, who won $10,000 and set a new world record.
- $39 million -- estimated media value of the TV coverage for the contest's sponsor, Nathan's.
- 69% of Americans prefer eating hot dogs on a bun.
- 15% prefer them naked with baked beans. (We call them beanies n wienies in my house.)
- 14% prefer corn dogs.
- While the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council advises that no one over age 18 use ketchup on a hot dog, 23% of people consider it their favorite topping. (Mustard wins out with 32%.)
- 1 in 6 -- odds that the beef in a beef hot dog originated in Texas.
- 1 in 4 -- odds that the pork in a pork hot dog originated in Iowa.
- Each year almost 100 million Red Hots are bought at 7-Eleven, North America's No. 1 retailer of cooked hot dogs. (This has to be the most disgusting revelation of the day.)
- Americans spend more than $1.9 Billion at the supermarket on hot dogs annually.
- The No. 1 producer is Oscar Mayer, which sold upward of 129.5 million pounds of dogs in 2007.
From Issue 127 July 2008
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